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The Four Pillar Model: Community-Led Capacity Building and Priority Setting

​Leadership Group: Nat Kaminsky (Ontario Network of People who Use Drugs (ONPUD)), Ashley Smoke (ONPUD), Leticia Mizon (ONPUD), Cassandra Smith (ONPUD), Pamela Leece (Public Health Ontario (PHO))

The Four Pillar Model project is a community-led initiative that aims to centre the voices of people with living and lived expertise of drug use (PWLLE), and build their capacity to engage in drug strategy development and decision making processes by enhancing their understanding of policy models such as the Four Pillar Model, an evidence-based approach based on four principles (Harm Reduction, Prevention, Treatment, and Enforcement) commonly used to guide federal and provincial substance use strategies. The initiative brings together PWLLE leadership through the Ontario Network of People who use Drugs (ONPUD) with key partners, such as the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network (ODPRN), Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE), and Public Health Ontario (PHO), to create more inclusive, informed, and effective community-driven solutions.

Recent progress includes enhancing digital platforms to improve outreach across diverse communities, establishing PWLLE-led planning committees, and preparing for an upcoming series of priority-setting workshops, which will engage diverse stakeholders to identify key interventions and strategies that align with community priorities. As the priorities, findings, and recommendations established through these workshops are being outlined in a comprehensive report, the project will continue to foster ongoing collaboration with key partners to ensure comprehensive stakeholder engagement, and build a foundation for more effective drug strategies that resonate with those directly impacted.