For further information about CRISM/OCRINT and its work, please contact us using the contact information below.
Dr. Farihah Ali
Scientific Lead and Node Manager, Ontario CRISM Node Team (OCRINT); Telephone: 416-535-8501 x36344
33 Ursula Franklin Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2S1, Rm. 2037
Interested researchers, service providers, decision-makers and peers in Ontario are invited to become members of OCRINT. Members will have access to OCRINT/CRISM resources and support, including our newsletters, as well as opportunities to collaborate and share research and interests. If you would like to become affiliated with the CRISM Ontario Node, please access the online survey link below. It takes no more than 5 minutes to complete the questions. The survey asks about you and your interests, and by completing it, you will help us tailor regional Node activities to your interests. The information we collect will be used for planning purposes, will stored securely in a password-protected network, and will be used to develop a Node member database.