Kathy Pinheiro PWUD, KAPOW
Kathy Pinheiro has over 10 years Harm Reduction experience. She is a Harm Reduction Peer Support Worker at Sistering which is a 24/7 low barrier drop in for marginalized women and Trans folks in Toronto. She works as relief and, on an as needed basis for Regent Park Community Health Centre Harm Reduction Program and Consumption Treatment Centre. Kathy lives in a Toronto Community Housing Building where she runs a Satellite Harm Reduction Site on behalf of Parkdale Community Queen West Health Centre thereby assuring the people who use drugs (PWUD) in her building and community have access to Harm Reduction tools and information. Kathy also has been a long time member of KAPOW (knowledge and power of women) which is a weekly drop-in for drug users and sex workers. She creates and facilitates Harm Reduction educational workshops which she shares with Shelters and Drop-Ins within the Toronto area.